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Up and coming programmes


May 2022 (Norwich + Online)

  • Sunday 29th May - For coaches and consultants
  • Monday 30th May - For salons, beauty and aesthetics

September 2022 (TBC + Online)

  • TBC - For coaches and consultants
  • TBC - For salons, beauty and aesthetics


"I will personally help you have a significant sales breakthrough within just x1 day, guaranteed!" - Pete Scott, Founder & lead trainer Ultimate Sales Bootcamps.

Here's a snippet of what you (and your team) will get on the day.

  • Develop a winning sales mentality
  • Discover the most powerful and effective questions to ask your client
  • Find out how 1000+ professionals have already increased their sales by 300% to 1000% and how you can too!
  • How to sell with zero pressure, for both you and the client
  • Completely eliminate the fear of sales and most importantly, understand why most sales training makes us feel icky
  • How to get your client to “yes!”
  • Understand body language, tonality of voice and non verbal communication
  • Implement the ultimate 5 step sales consultation
  • Identify the exact moment your client is ready to buy and also when definitely not to ask for the sale
  • Walk away with a high value skillset that will last a lifetime!

Yes... You'll get all of the above and so much more!

Why should I attend? 

Simple - Because you'll walk away with one of the highest value skills in the world (sales) and you (+your team) will be more focused than ever before to help your clients on a completely different level.

In fact, I would go so far to say, the day will be transformational in every way.

  • Transformational for you.
  • Transformational for your team (if you have one)
  • Transformational for your clients (because you'll be able to add so much more value to their experience with you)

Selling with ease and confidence is a skillset that will never get old and never become irrelevant.

Unfortunately, sales gets a bad name because it's taught so badly all over the world.

I'm on a personal mission to create this change.

To help people just like yourself, to sell in a way that's with zero pressure and a way that makes perfect sense.

Who is it for?

If you help to create some kind of transformation in the life of your client and you'd like to make more sales and help more people, then Ultimate Sales Bootcamp has been 100% designed for you!

It literally doesn't matter if you're starting out in your career or a 20+ year veteran, the methodologies you'll learn during the day, will last you a lifetime and most importantly, you'll walk away with skillset you can use immediately in your career and business.

If you have a team, I strongly recommend you bring them too, you have my personal guarantee what your team will pick up on the day, will be worth its weight in gold many times over.

If however, you're not looking for a fast paced, high energy and full on day (10.00 A.M - 8.00 P.M) to learn one of the most high value skills this planet can offer (sales), then I wouldn't recommend The Ultimate Sales Bootcamp.

On the other hand, if you're ready to take your sales to a whole new level, let's do this thing and I can't wait to meet you on the day!


Here's the thing, over the last 18+ years I've been fortunate enough to train 30,000+ professionals in sales.

Many of these have been the world's biggest brands, from American Express, Rolls Royce to companies like Shell Oil.

Equally, I've been trusted to work with startup businesses with nothing more than one team member (the owner) and a big dream to transform into reality!

For whatever crazy reason, I LOVE to teach what works when it comes to selling with total ease and confidence.

Perhaps this is why I've developed a unique skillset to help from complete beginners, all the way to high value consultants.

If you want my background, I didn't start out great in sales, in fact, I was more than terrible.

It was only when I was on the verge of losing my job due to my extremely poor performance that I decided to make a change. I think the saying goes "sometimes you only change when you have enough pain to change."

Through realising I was about to lose my dream job (working onboard a cruise ship), I doubled down more than ever before to master the mystical art of sales.

I read every sales book I could get my hands on, I asked the top performers in the company how they sold with such a high level of certainty and I even studied my own consultations.

I had to know what worked vs what didn't. I needed to understand how my body language impacted the sale or how the last question I asked was either getting my client to think or tell me they need to think about it.

It was literally an obsession... And, it still is today.

After some painful moments of getting things completely wrong, I started to hear "yes" from my clients more than "I'll think about it."

It was a subtle, but profound shift, it was almost like my clients trusted me more, they saw me more as an expert (even though I was barely 21 years old).

One client looked at me and said "when I first saw you, I thought what can this child teach me. But now, I understand, you really do have some real value to offer." I'm sure this client (who was a doctor by the way) wouldn't even remember me from all those years ago, but I knew in that moment that I had stepped into my own level of certainty.

My clients trusted me, because I trusted myself and I knew I could help them.

I didn't always follow the rules of what my company wanted to do when it came to sales, I found my own way and eventually long after my time with that company, I developed my own sales methodology, one I've now helped countless professionals with over the years.

In a way, I guess I'm still teaching the 21 year old from 20 year ago!

Whatever the motivation is, I know the work I do makes a big difference to those who go through my training and now, Bootcamps.

So, I'm excited that you're here and more excited to share the methodology that will help create the transformation in your career and the life of of your client.

Let's do this.


1) What are the hours of the Bootcamp?

The Ultimate Sales Bootcamp runs from 10.00 A.M and finishes at 8.00 P.M.

2) Will I get workbook?

Absolutely, you’ll be given a workbook upon arrival with a welcome pack. The workbook will be your blueprint for the day and give you everything you need to implement a whole new level of sales within your business.

3) Do you guarantee I’ll transform my sales in x1 day?

In a word, yes! We’re not here to do 50% when we can achieve 100%! The guarantee is you will have a significant sales breakthrough on the day and you will be leaving the Bootcamp with a skillset that will last a lifetime. Yes, it’s a big promise, but this is why I’m so excited about Ultimate Sales Bootcamp, because I know the value it will bring to your business. Naturally, you need to do the work on the day, the more you show up and get involved, the more you’ll get from the day and the more you’ll be able to take back to your business. It’s like anything of real value, the more you put in, the more you’ll get from it.

4) I’ve never sold anything before, will it be too advanced for me?

Ultimate Sales Bootcamp has been created in a very specific way so it’s for suitable for complete beginners right up to a superstar sales professional. What makes it so different is how practical the day is and how you get to put into practise the skills you learn, so you gain exponential confidence in your sales ability by the end of the day, without being overconfident.

5) I’ve got years of sales experience, is there anything new I can learn?

For those who have years of experience, you’ll be the first to know that you can never stop learning, but more so than this, you’ll be able to refresh your skills and learn subtle nuances of how clients buy in today’s marketplace. So, absolutely, like any pro at the top of their game, there’s always more to learn.

6) Can I bring my team?

Not only can you bring your team, I strongly recommend you do! Ultimate Sales Bootcamp has been specifically created to be an epic day out for teams, so it’s great for team building too! To book your team, simply click on the ‘apply as a team’ button and please make sure you let us know how many team members you want to bring!

7) Is the day practical?

Sales is like learning how to drive, you can’t learn by sitting in a classroom! So, from the moment you arrive, you’ll be able to put to work the skills you learn. This is also what sets Ultimate Sales Bootcamp apart from everything else out there in the marketplace. You’ll be amazed at how much you can pick up during just x1 day of sales training, when it’s done right!

8) Will I get the same experience by attending online?

Naturally, being there in the flesh means you get the fullest experience. However, we’ve ensured this is a phenomenal event for ALL attendees, wherever online or in person. Therefore, by attending online, you’ll still be able to take part in all of the exercises and put your new sales skills to work.

9) Is the Bootcamp Covid secure?

We’ve taken every measure and are following all government guidelines to ensure a covid secure Bootcamp. Also, we’re only partnering with venues who are at an equal standard. Of course, you can never be 100% covid secure, but we are doing everything we can to be as safe as possible.

10) Do I need to bring a pack lunch?

Bearing in mind, although the day goes fast, it is 10 hours (10.00 am to 8.00 pm) so we strongly recommend you bring plenty of snacks, water and meals. The venues we use will have restaurants, so you can purchase lunch/meals and coffee.